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时间:2023-12-17 09:20文/学帆高考




翻译第一篇随着经济与社会的发展,中国人口结构发生了显著变化逐渐步入老龄化社会。中国老年人口将继续增加,人口老龄化趋势将更加明显。为了应对人口老龄化带来的种种挑战,国家正积极采取措施,加大对养老的支持。通过改革社会保障制度,政府不断增加社会保障经费,逐步扩大社会保障覆盖范围,使更多老年人受益。政府还鼓励各种社会团体为老年人提供服务。在政府和社会团体的共同努力下,老年人将生活得更加幸福。With the development of economy and society,there has been a significant change in the populationstructure in china,gradualty transitioning into an aging society.It is expected that China's elderlypopulation will continue to increase,and the trendof population aging will become more obvious.Tocope with various challenges brought about bypopulation aging,the country is actively takingmeasures to strengthen support for elderly care.Through the reform of the social security system,thegovernment has continuously increased social security funds and gradually expanded the coverageof social security in order to benefit more elderlypeople.Furthermore,the government encoureges various social organizations to provide services forthe elderly.Through the collaborative efforts of thegovernment and social organizations,the elderly willlive a happier life.

作文1:The importance of acquiring the basic knowledgeAs we all know,mastering good basic knowledge is an important step that every student must go through in the learning process,and it is crucial for students to master any subject.Therefore,we should fully realize the importance of mastering basic knowledge.Here's why.First of all,without a solid foundation,it is impossible to understand more profound theories of knowledge,and it is impossible to advance to a higher level.Take English learning as an example,if we do not have a solid grasp of English grammar and vocabulary,we will not be able to effectively understand literary works and understand higher-level English concepts.Second,just as a building needs a solid foundation to support its structure,our academic success requires a solid grasp of the basics.From personal experience,I clearly remember a deep understanding of foundatiohaf concepts paving the way for my success in challenging courses.Finally,no foundation,no progress.For the system of knowledge is interlinked,without a solid foundation,the knowledge systemwill be full of holes.Therefore,I think it is very important for students to get a good basic knowledge.


英语六级听力第二套1.A) Spending their holidays in a novel way.2. D) He once owned a van.3. A) Generate their own electricity.4.C) Enjoying the freedom to choose where to go and work.5. C) Her job performance has worsened over the past month.6.B) Some problems at home7. B) The woman's work proficiency.8. C) The woman will be off work on the next two Mondays.9. D) It can enable us to live a healthier and longer life.10.B) The spouse's level of education can impact one'shealth.11.A) They had more education than their spouses.12.C) Forecasting flood risks accurately.13.D) To improve his mathematical flooding model.14.A) To forecast rapid floods in real time.15.B) They set up Internet-connected water-level sensors.16.B) To argue about the value of a college degree.17.D) The factor of wages.18.A) The sharp decline in marriage among men with no college degrees.19.C) More and more people prioritize animal welfare when buying things to wear.20.D)Avoided the use of leather and fur.21.A)Whether they can be regarded as ethical.22.D) The era we live in is the most peaceful in history.23.C) They believed the world was deteriorating.24.B) Our psychological biases.25.A) Paying attention to negative information.

翻译第二篇在中国,随着老龄化社会的到来,养老受到普遍关注。人们谈论最多的是应当采取什么样的养老模式。多数人认为,养老模式需要多元化。可以通过政府引导和社会参吾与,建立更多更好的养老服务机构,改进社区服务中心,鼓励居家自助养老,还可以推行家庭养老与社会养老相结合的模式。随着政府和社会对养老服务事业投入的持续增加,养老设施将不断升级,服务质量逐步改进,老年人的生活将会更加方便舒适、健康快乐。As China is facing an ageing society,there is awidespread concern over the issue of elderly care.What kind of care model for the elderly should beadopted is the most debated topic.The majorityof?people believe that the care model for the elderlyshould be diversified.More and better elderly serviceinstitutions can be established,community servicecentres can be improved,and self-care for theelderly at home can be encouraged through government guidance and social participation.It isalso possible to promote a model of the elderly thatcombines family and social care.The continuousincrease in government and social investment inservices for the elderly witlbring further improvements in care facilities,gradual enhancements in the quality of services and a moreconvenient and comfortable life with health andhappiness for the elderly.

作文2With their valuable skills and experiences,elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society.This view is accepted by more and more citizens as they wit-ness firsthand the capabilities of these experienced individ-uals.First of all,the older generation,especially highly skilled workers,is still irreplaceable for jobs that require extensive skills and expertise.Without them,it is highly possible that work quality and efficiency will be seriously affected.In ad-dition,these senior citizens play a significant role in trainingor cultivating the young generation by passing down their valuable skills and experiences.Young people,benefiting from this mentorship,can directly contribute to their organi-zations and country.Finally,the elderly can even be part of think tanks,offering precious advice or suggestions to the management teams of firms or to the government,thus pro-moting development.Therefore,recognizing the significance of elderly people and encouraging their active participation in society is cru-cial,rather than merely viewing them as individuals who should retire from active life.凭借他们宝贵的技能和经验,老年人可以继续为社会做出重大贡献。这一观点被越来越多的公民所接受,因为他们亲眼目睹了这些有经验的人的能力。首先,对于需要广泛技能和专业知识的工作,老一代,特别是高技能工人,仍然是不可替代的。没有他们,工作质量和效率很可能会受到严重影响。此外,这些老年人通过传递宝贵的技能和经验,在培训或培养年轻一代方面发挥着重要作用。受益于这种指导的年轻人可以直接为他们的组织和国家做出贡献。最后,老年人甚至可以成为智库的一员,为企业的管理团队或政府提供宝贵的意见或建议,从而促进发展。因此,认识到老年人的重要性并鼓励他们积极参与社会是至关重要的,而不是仅仅把他们视为应该退出积极生活的个人。


翻译第三篇近年来,中国老龄人口持续增长。中国政府正采取各种措施,推进养老服务体系建设,使老年人晚年生活健康幸福。全国兴建了各类养老服务机构,为了提升养老机构的服务质量,政府颁布了一系列标准,加强对养老机构的监管。许多城市为方便老年人用餐,开设了社区食堂,为他们提供价格实惠的饭菜。行动不便的老年人还能享受上门送餐服务。同时,中国还在积极探索居家和社区养老等其他养老模式,以确保所有老年人老有所养。In recent years,China's elderly population has continued to grow.The Chinese government istaking various measures to promote the construction of a service system for the elderly,sothat the elderly can live a healthy and happy life intheir later years.Various service institutions for theelderly have been built across the country.In orderto improve the service quality of elderly care institutions,the government has issued a series ofstandards to strengthen the supervision of elderlycare institutions.In order to make it easier for theelderly to eat,many cities have opened communitycanteens to provide them with affordable meals.Meals on wheels are also available for the elderlywith limited mobility.At the same time,China is alsoactively exploring other ola-age care models,suchiashome-based and community old-age care,to ensurethat all elderly people have adequate old-agesupport.

作文3Nowadays,parents are increasingly aware that allowing kids more freedom to explore and learn on their own helps foster their independence and boost their confidence.On social media,it is common to see many youngsters who are independent and confident,a trait often attributed to auton-omy in their childhood development.The importance of autonomy can be explained as follows.Firstly,children who are given more freedom can cultivate critical thinking skills,problem-solving abilities,and resil-ience.As they navigate challenges and learn from their mis-takes,children become more self-reliant and resourceful,which in turn bolsters their confidence and self-esteem.Second,granting autonomy to children nurtures their cre-ativity and curiosity.When children are allowed to pursue their passions,they are more likely to discover new talents and develop a lifelong love of learning.If they graduate and enter the workplace in the future,they are more likely to create a good impression on their boss and thus are more likely to receive a pay raise or a promotion quickly.To sum up,the increasing awareness of the importance ofautonomy in childhood development is crucial.It not onlyhelps foster children's independence and confidence but also contributes to their overall well-being and future careersuccess.如今,父母们越来越意识到,让孩子们有更多的自由去探索和学习,有助于培养他们的独立性和增强他们的信心。在社交媒体上,经常可以看到许多年轻人独立自信,这通常归因于他们童年发展中的自主性。自主性的重要性可以解释如下。首先,给予更多自由的孩子可以培养批判性思维能力、解决问题的能力和应变能力。当他们应对挑战并从错误中吸取教训时,孩子们变得更加自立和足智多谋,这反过来又增强了他们的信心和自尊。第二,给予孩子自主权可以培养他们的创造力和好奇心。当孩子们被允许去追求他们的激情时,他们更有可能发现新的才能,并培养对学习的终身热爱。如果他们将来毕业并进入职场,他们更有可能给老板留下好印象,从而更有可能迅速获得加薪或晋升。总之,越来越多的人意识到自主在儿童发展中的重要性是至关重要的。它不仅有助于培养孩子的独立性和自信心,而且有助于他们的整体福祉和未来的事业成功。




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